Welcome! Aloha and thank you for downloading Designer's Studio 1.5, the most outrageous way to manage the appearance of the Mac OS ever created. With the assistance of Designer's Studio you can now take absolute control over every visible aspect of your operating system. Please refer to the instructions on the following pages to learn everything you need to know about how to use Designer’s Studio to create the interface of your dreams, to change it a million times, and create it again, easily! Designer's Studio was the world's first WYSIWYG resource editor and, with this new version, continues to surpass the abilities of most commercial applications. Version 1.5 is again designed for the creation of Kaleidoscope color schemes, but also adds a huge number of new and exciting features. Added for this version are a separate icon editor, support for creating custom sets of icons, StartupScreens and PICT clippings, as well as the ability to save your creations in a number of new and powerful file formats. Note: if you are not already using Kaleidoscope you may now use Designer's Studio for a number of interface enhancements, but you will not be able to use Designer’s Studio-created color schemes. The latest version of Kaleidoscope is available on the internet at: http://www.kaleidoscope.net. If you find the art of color scheme designing as fun as we do, we recommend that you join the Kaleidoscope Scheme List. To subscribe to this list send e-mail to: majordomo@kaleidoscope.net and put the following line in the body (not subject) of the message: subscribe schemelist. Majordomo will then send you an automatic response containing information on subscribing and unsubscribing. This list is a friendly, helpful, albeit very noisy, environment where old and new designers alike share their knowledge about color scheme designing. As soon as you have created your first color scheme we encourage you to share it with the world. We strongly recommend that for the greatest exposure you list your schemes at: Kaleidoscope Scheme Directory - http://www.akamaidesign.com/kaleidoscope/ksd.html Kaleidoscope Scheme Archive - http://www.kaleidoscope.net/schemes/ Complete information about submitting your color schemes is available at both sites. The People Behind Designer's Studio Designer's Studio 1.5 has been created by the development team at Akamai Design: Dorian Weisel - (Project Manager/Interface Design) - design@akamaidesign.com Tom Connolly - (Programming) - studio@akamaidesign.com Brian Hagler - (Preview Development) - gandolf@tuscola.net Ryan Lee - (Webmaster) - tech@akamaidesign.com For information about Designer’s Studio or Akamai Design please feel free to email anyone of us or contact our office at: Akamai Design Post Office Box 884 Volcano, Hawaii 96785 It has taken many more people than the core development team at Akamai Design to make Designer’s Studio 1.5 a reality. It is with great appreciation that we would like to thank the people listed below. Some on this list are world class graphics designers and, where possible, we have included, and encourage you to follow, links to their web sites. Andi - http://home.earthlink.net/~andi/kal.html Patrick Bores - http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/4921/ Peter Baird - http://acs.bu.edu:8001/~baird/ Graeme Hunt - graeme.hunt@mail.pubworks.org Scott Hunter - http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Gallery/5960/ Layne Karkruff - http://www.blueskyheart.com Indigo Kelleigh - http://www.abalonepress.com Greg Landweber - http://www.kaleidoscope.net Billy Martin - wmartin@teaser.fr David Neal - http://www.geocities.com/~jyroflux/ Bill Neidow - http://www.cyberpax.com Eric Reid - http://www.kaleidoscope.net/schemes/ Rebecca Riall - http://www.geocities.com/~sun-hater/ Martha Royer - http://members.icanect.net/~royerm/ Keith Sereby - fishby@earthlink.net Roger van Erven - http://www.quadrand.com Marck Warkuss - http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/6389/ Albie Wong - http://www.albie.org/ Ric Zito - http://wwwusers.imaginet.fr/~riczito/ Shareware Payment Designer’s Studio 1.5 is shareware! You are welcome to use Designer’s Studio for a 15 day evaluation period. To use Designer’s Studio beyond the 15 day evaluation period you must register and pay a licensing fee. Registration is handled by Kagi. Please launch the Register program included in the Designer’s Studio folder to start the registration process. This may also be launched from the apple menu when Designer's Studio is active or from the shareware notice that appears from time to time. The cost of a license is as follows: Single user license $20.00 Site License $200.00 (within 100 mile radius, 160 km) World-Wide License $800.00 Once you have launched the Register program, enter your name, email address, and the number and/or type of license you wish to purchase. Save, copy or print the data from the Register program and send it, and your payment, to Kagi. You may either mail, fax or email your registration to Kagi at: Kagi 1442-A Walnut Street #392-3R9 Berkeley, California 94709-1405 USA Fax: 1-510-652-6589 Email: sales@kagi.com If paying with credit card or First Virtual, you can email or fax your registration to Kagi. You can either copy the data from the Register program and paste it into the body of an email message or save the data to a file and attach that file to an email message. There is no need to compress the data file. If you have a fax modem, just print the data to the Kagi fax number. Payments sent via email are processed within 3 to 4 days. You will receive an email acknowledgement when it is processed. Payments sent via fax take up to 10 days to process. If you provide a correct internet email address you will receive an email acknowledgement at that time. If you are paying with cash or USD check please print the data and send it to Kagi at the address listed above. You can pay with a wide variety of cash from different countries but, at present, if you pay with a check it must be drawn in US dollars. Kagi cannot accept checks in other currencies. If you have a purchasing department, you can enter all the data into the Register program and then select "invoice" as your payment method. Print three copies of the form and send it to your accounts payable department. You might want to highlight the line that mentions that they must include a copy of the form with their payment. Kagi can not invoice your company; you must generate the invoice and handle all the paperwork on your end. Please do not fax or email payment forms that indicate cash, check or invoice as the payment method. Payments sent by postal mail take time to reach Kagi and then up to 10 days for processing. If you include a correct email address, you will hear from Kagi when the form is processed. If you do not have an email address, please enter your complete postal address, including the country you are in. Be sure to also select the "postcard receipt" option in the registration program to be sure that Kagi mails you your registration code. Kagi transmits the registration codes by email and paid postcard receipt only. Thank you very much for your support of the shareware industry. You will notice that our software is not password protected. To distribute Designer's Studio in this way was a decision that was not lightly made. We would greatly appreciate it if you would honor us with your payment. Thank you and aloha. ----- Designer's Studio 1.5 © 1997 - 1998 Akamai Design Tom Connolly And Dorian Weisel